Easter decoration ideas
If you want to offer something special, decorate your home with bright colors – after all spring has begun.
Easter is a lively feast for family and friends, therefore seek a decoration that turns your home into a bright place that irradiates joy. Distribute some plants and flowers, use your best china and cloth napkins and place a centerpiece with chocolates, candies and, perhaps, boiled and colored or painted eggs.
If it’s not too cold, open the windows for fresh air and then spray some nice aroma in the room of the house, such as our floral freshener. Change the upholstery covers (if dark colors) and place a large flower bouquet near the table.
With some luck, you’ll find now broom bushes in full bloom in your area. Take a few long branches and tie them with a pretty bow. Purchase polystyrene eggs and decorate them with paint, glitter, sequins – whatever you like. Hang the eggs (using a wire or a thin tape) on the groom branches and voilà: A very cheerful and festive bouquet!
And remember to clean your house with our products, before decorating it!