The importance of fragances. New softeners Orange blossom and Spring breeze scents
The ability to smell is one of the first senses human beings develop. A newborn’s eyesight is pretty fuzzy, so they smell their way to their mother’s breast.
Because the brain links smell with memory, babies remember the journey and repeat it whenever they want food and comfort. And as they grow into adults, their sense of smell has the ability to take them right back to childhood.
These associations form the first time we smell something and many scent memories hark back to our early years, reminding us of family, childhood friends…
When your mother washed your clothes and placed them — soft, fluffy and sweet-smelling — back in the cupboard, the fragrance demonstrates that she cares. So when you smell the same scent again, you’re reminded of her love, even if you left home a long time ago. And it has the power to make you feel happy and reassured.
When we use a fragranced fabric conditioner in our wash, we give children “a memory key which will stay with them forever”.
That’s why KIRIKO takes care of the scents of its softeners, and has worked with the best perfume experts to create fragrances that can create happy memories. Like the new 4L softeners Orange blossom scent and Spring breeze scent, which remind us of the long summer days when we get lost in the garden, fields or park.