Ammonia, an exceptional cleaner
Casa Kiriko’s ammonias are valuable allies in house cleaning. Here are some tips on how to use them:
Carpets and rugs
Carpets and rugs wear out and eventually not only seem used but old, losing brightness and color. However there is a very simple trick to extend their lives and make them shine like when they were new: Add two tablespoonful of ammonia and the juice of a cucumber to a bucket with some warm water. Dip a cloth and pass it on the carpet. Let dry and vacuum.
Bath mats
Ammonia also helps maintain your bath mats nice and clean: Wash the mat first with soap and water and rub with a brush. Once clean, rinse with water and place it in a bucket with warm water and a dash of ammonia. Leave to soak about 10 minutes and rinse again with water.
If the stains on your pillow still remain after having them washed in the washing machine, try this easy trick: Fill the tub with an inch of water, add a squirt of detergent and two tablespoonful of ammonia. Immerse the pillow and leave to soak about 10 minutes. Rub the stain with a brush and rinse the pillow with abundant water.
In addition to being a valuable ally in cleaning, ammonia is also popular as a nutrient for plants and trees – it is used as a basis for the production of fertilizers. But it also entails some risks: Ammonia is poisonous. Avoid inhaling its fumes. It will cause burns or irritation if it comes in contact with the skin or eyes. Observe all label precautions. Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach, as this will release chloramine, a highly toxic substance.